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Independent Living & Advocacy 

The Independent Living and Advocacy domain is a critical component of the secondary transition planning process, as it focuses on preparing students with disabilities to live as independently as possible and advocate for their own needs and rights. This domain encompasses a wide range of considerations, including self-determination skills, daily living skills, community participation, and the ability to effectively communicate and advocate for oneself.


Throughout the transition planning process, professionals work closely with students to assess their current level of independent living skills and identify areas for growth. This may involve administering assessments to evaluate a student's ability to manage personal care, household tasks, transportation, and financial responsibilities. Based on these assessments, the school team can then develop targeted instruction and support to help students build the necessary skills to live independently, whether that means living on their own, with family, or in a supported living arrangement.


In addition to fostering independent living skills, the Independent Living and Advocacy domain also focuses on empowering students to become self-advocates. This may include teaching students how to effectively communicate their needs, understand their rights and entitlements, and navigate complex systems and services. By developing these self-advocacy skills, students with disabilities can learn to advocate for the accommodations, supports, and resources they need to achieve their post-secondary goals and live fulfilling, independent lives.


Throughout the transition planning process, school professionals play a vital role in supporting students' development of independent living and self-advocacy skills, connecting them with community resources and services, and empowering them to take an active role in their own transition planning. By addressing the Independent Living and Advocacy domain, the school team can help students with disabilities achieve their post-secondary goals and transition into adulthood with the confidence and skills necessary to live as independently as possible.

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